De Luxe Golden Chocolate Bouquet
A chocolate bouquet that makes a true statement of originality—almost as delightful to taste as it is to admire! Each bouquet is filled with rich Ferrero Rocher and marshmallows, carefully arranged in an elegant cream and brown luxury wrap, and a large rose-shaped soy wax candle for that extra special touch.
It’s truly stunning! This makes the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, a "get well soon," a thank you, a farewell, or just to say "I love you".
A Chocolate Bouquet Like No Other
A chocolate bouquet that makes a true statement of originality—almost as delightful to taste as it is to admire!
Each bouquet is filled with rich Ferrero Rocher chocolates and marshmallows, carefully arranged in an elegant cream and brown luxury wrap. This gorgeous arrangement is finished with decorative butterflies and a large rose-shaped soy wax candle for an extra-special touch. It’s truly stunning!
This makes the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, a "get well soon," a thank you, a farewell, or just to say "I love you."
Each of our Chocolate Bouquets is handcrafted to order, ensuring freshness and quality. Unlike some other companies, we never pierce our chocolates, so every piece remains fully edible and as fresh as possible.
Product Description
- Dimensions: H30cm x D35cm
- Product Information: All images represent the bouquets as closely as possible. Each product may vary slightly, and in some instances, substitutions of chocolates or accessories may be made due to availability.
- 24 Ferrero Rochers
- 4 Marshmallows
- 2 Keepsake Butterflies
- 1 scented soy wax candle (rose shape, no container) 230–240g
Every effort is made to ensure we replicate the product as close to the picture as possible. However, due to our suppliers constantly changing and bringing new items, some products may be unavailable or discontinued.
Rest assured we will substitute with a similar look & quality of the same or higher value & suitability.
Safety Information
Bouquets contain sharp sticks and should not be accessible to children without adult supervision. Please ensure the sticks are disposed of safely and responsibly.
Storage Instructions
Bouquets are best stored in a cool, dry place and out of direct sunlight.
Allergens: Contains MILK, SOYA, GLUTEN, NUTS.
Important Shipping Information
As each bouquet is hand-made to order, please allow at least 3 days from the time of order for delivery. Thank you for your understanding and patience!